A Desk Based Assessment (DBA) is an appraisal using available archaeological and historical information to determine any known, or potentially unknown, archaeological or cultural heritage assets in the area and assess their impact on a proposed site. It is a vital tool in the early stages of the planning process. Red River Archaeology has extensive experience in providing well-researched and succinct DBAs, which give our clients the information they need to assess potential risk, as well as the right level of information to support their planning application.
A Heritage Statement is often required to support a planning or listed building consent application which affects a heritage asset or its setting, either directly or indirectly. An asset can be either a building, monument, site, area, landscape or below ground archaeological remains that is considered to have historical interest, and which contributes to our understanding of the past. It will describe the architectural and historic significance of the asset. It will identify the impact of any proposals and seek to justify those impacts and minimise harm while demonstrating the applicants' understanding of the heritage significance and may form part of a Design and Access Statement.
By gathering site-specific information, we identify any environmental impacts that may arise from a proposed development. The Red River Archaeology team is second to none. Our approach is shaped by many years of experience and built on considerable expertise in delivering the cultural heritage contribution to the Environmental Statement. Our aim is to make potentially complex projects as streamlined as possible using creative solutions to help our clients achieve success.
The built heritage is a treasured link to generations past. Architectural heritage can be divided into three broad categories of either monuments, groups of buildings or sites conspicuous for their historical, archaeological, artistic, scientific, social or technical interest. Part of the planning process may require carrying out a Built Heritage or Historic Building survey in advance of works. Our specialist survey team at has extensive knowledge and experience of recording and interpreting historic buildings and landscapes of all types and periods. We provide a professional, efficient, and cost-effective service to a diverse client base.